#maylinginseoul DAY 5
Common Ground is Korea's first and World's largest Pop-up Container Shopping Mall. The first and second floors are mainly comprised of hip stores and shops while the third floor is filled with trendy restaurants with terraces. About 200 blue coloured fashion & lifestyle/ food & beverage containers give a unique experience to the customers. There are also food trucks in the central area (so-called market ground) that's surrounded by the containers. A variety of markets are held in the market ground every weekend. (Source- here! )
The description above basically explained everything in sync with the pictures I've snapped. A really hippie place to hang out but definitely not a place that I'd be down for shopping thou. My fashion sense is really too common for "common ground" so there isn't anything for me there. But nonetheless, an extremely refreshing ambiance for shopping! It isn't everyday that you are able to stroll around in containers right? And oh food trucks! I'd been dying for something similar to be up back at home but SG has too strict a hygiene benchmark so it is impossible to find a permanent food trucks on the streets. I'd be down for their hippie food trucks again sometime soon!
We had Army base stew (부대찌개) nearby which was so affordable by Korean standards. As much as I love the vibe of Seoul's busy tourist streets, meals would be perfect in quieter neighbourhoods. The prices are definitely much lesser than you'd pay for in the tourist spots. Couldn't have enjoyed our girly dates in Korea better than this, strolling on the streets and enjoying each other's company.
→→→ Dore Dore Cafe 도레도레 카페 for our cake date! I haven't had a cake in a long time since I came to KR. Cakes are my main dosage of sugar rush back in Singapore but in Korea, they are bigger on coffees so it really isn't anywhere that you'd find a cake shop with decent cakes. Dore Dore is one of the few cafes that does commendable cakes in Seoul but be warned that it is approx. SGD$10/slice. It is seriously expensive for a slice of butter & flour :< Till I have extra bucks to spend again.

love, bella
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