
And to the final countdown to #bryanbellawedding - 10 days!
Guo Da Li was on 26th July, Sunday and we're finally done with the customary gift exchanging ceremony! Pretty stressful for me on this one because I've absolutely no clue on the traditions to abide etc. Bryan is a Teochew and traditionally, Teochews call the biggest shot in the wedding traditions. However, our families wanted to go easy on the traditions so it was just the basics & also items that we'd be able to use after the wedding.

Betrothal Set (过大礼) / Returning of gifts (回礼)
- Pin Jin Ang Bao (聘金红包) / Returned a portion of Pin Jin Ang Bao
- Dragon Phoenix Candles 2 pairs (龙凤烛) / Bride to keep Phoenix candles, returned Dragon candles.
- 28 Boxes of Wedding cakes (喜饼) / Returned 2 Boxes of Wedding cakes
- 12 Pig Trotter Cans / Returned 6 Pig Trotter Cans
- 2 bottles of Martell / Returned 2 bottles of Red wine
- 12 Oranges / Returned 6 Oranges
- Nappy Ang Bao (养育之恩礼金封)
- 4 Pieces Betrothal Jewellery (4点金)

Traditional dowry (嫁妆)
- Wedding Ceremony Tea Set (2 Sets) (孝心茶具) / (From Taobao seller - here!)
- Wedding Ceremony Bowl Set (衣食碗) / (From Taobao seller - here!)
- A Pair of Prosperity Lamps (添丁床头灯) / (From JB)
- Needle Box Set (百子千孙针线盒) / (From Taobao seller - here!)
- 2 Pairs of Chopsticks (同心筷子) / (FOC by Taobao seller)
- Descendant Pail 5-Piece Set (子孙桶聚宝盆) / (From JB)
- Auspicious Ruler (子孙尺) / (From TheChineseWeddingShop - forgot the price)
- Bed Room Slippers (2 Pairs) (夫妻新拖鞋) / (From Taobao seller - here!)
- Face Towel Set (双喜对面巾) / (From Taobao seller - here!)
- Unity Coins ( 缘钱一包) / (From TheChineseWeddingShop - $1/packet)
- Organza Bag (for everything to be put inside) / (From TheChineseWeddingShop - $12)
- Red Prosperity Umbrella / (From Taobao seller - here!)
- Maroon Pajamas (2 Sets) / (From TheChineseWeddingShop - $28/set)
- Son-In-Law Red Packet (女婿礼金)
- Parents-In-Law Red Packet (家婆家翁礼金)
In Singapore, you can easily purchase a dowry package at SGD$198, but as you can tell I chose to ala carte everything. I know, why the hassle right? I haven't had the time to calculate how much I saved by doing this, but ultimately my reason for buying everything separately is because I can buy what I like instead of making do with whatever I am offered with in the "standard package". I love my fluffy Rilakkuma bedroom slippers instead of the usual red "老公老婆" slippers which I won't forsee myself wearing it in the house at all. If brides-to-be like myself, do not mind the hassle. I'd recommend to buy every single item that you really like. In a way, it makes the customary ceremony more fun for yourself because you can shop away and cart items without feeling too guilty about it!

Daily Necessities
Not sure if it is compulsory for everybody but I was supposed to prepare sets of my daily necessities along with new clothes, lingeries and a luggage as part of my dowry. But because I already have many luggages so I did away with the luggage and brought just a bag of new clothes to my new home. The mandatory necessities ie. shampoo, body wash, conditioner and if you use make-up remover than get them as well. Whatever you get, everything have to come in pairs.
It is also the bride family's responsibility to get a set of new pillows, bolster, comforter, bedsheets for the newly weds and their new room. Timely because Metro Sengkang was having their moving out sale so I got everything at approx. S$200! It was such a steal!

The bride & groom are not supposed to see each other during the Guo Da Li ceremony and actually the entire day but my mother asked me to take pictures for them so we didn't do it too traditionally. Bryan & I also headed out to send the wedding cakes to some friends's parents too! As expected, I really enjoyed the whole tradition and now I can't wait to use everything I bought!
Next up would be the setting up of the Matrimonial bed (安床) which would be happening on the 06 August, 2 days before the big day! Would be a busy day for us collecting gowns and running errands so we left the entire procedure to my parents-in-law. MIL would be doing everything for us so yay, can start unwrapping my pillows and bolsters in a weeks time!
I still have 2 adverts & my Taiwan travelogues on hold. Would be religiously writing if I have the time again. Till then!
love, bella
It is also the bride family's responsibility to get a set of new pillows, bolster, comforter, bedsheets for the newly weds and their new room. Timely because Metro Sengkang was having their moving out sale so I got everything at approx. S$200! It was such a steal!

Wedding Cakes (喜饼)
We got our cakes from Pine Garden's! It was only legit to order from them because I love their cakes to death! Traditionally, 喜饼 comes in 10 slices of old school buttercream cake but I thought it was too creamy for the folks and that no families would really finish 10 slices of cream cakes so it would be a waste if nobody finds a joy in eating so many cream cakes. We took a full marble butter cake (500g) that was good enough to sustain in the tormenting heat while we delivered them. Also, it was good for tea break! Pine Garden's butter cake was so buttery and moist in the middle, I was so glad that everybody told me it was yummy!
Another tradition I was told was that the couple is not allowed to consume anything food related meant for GDL. Like if your mother cooks beehoon with the pork trotter cans, you are not allowed to eat it at all. Needless to say, the wedding cakes cannot be touched as well. But how would I be able to say no to cakes right? So I finished a huge slice of butter cake in a heartbeat. HAHAHAHA!

Next up would be the setting up of the Matrimonial bed (安床) which would be happening on the 06 August, 2 days before the big day! Would be a busy day for us collecting gowns and running errands so we left the entire procedure to my parents-in-law. MIL would be doing everything for us so yay, can start unwrapping my pillows and bolsters in a weeks time!
I still have 2 adverts & my Taiwan travelogues on hold. Would be religiously writing if I have the time again. Till then!
love, bella
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