Its the Summer season now though its not a big deal since its sunny all year round in Singapore . But then again , technically we can still consider this period as Summer because the weather and humid now is worse off than the normal days .
My Saturday started off well with brunch at 1 Twenty Six . This place had been on my "to dine" list for the longest time and I'm so glad that I can finally strike this place off my list . This restaurant is mainly Al fresco with separated pavilions so you get a lot of privacy if you decide to hold a mini party there . Their furniture and tables are also placed decently apart from each other so there is ample space of walkway and privacy for couples on a date . I detest restaurants that put in as many tables with all the available space they've got . As much as the ambience and setting of the restaurant is romantic , isn't it awkward when the next table is just a gap apart from you and you're so close that you can hear other's entire conversation throughout the dinner ?
When the food was served , my first impression was a good one judging from the effort made to display the food so exquisitely . It was a score on the food presentation . Nothing much to shout about on the taste and the foie gras was a disappointment that came with an expensive price tag of $28 ? Two small pieces that are badly done. Would come back for drinks , but food ? Definitely able to find better quality food for the price we are paying. Enough said .
After lunch was the main reason why we came to ECP . I have not been rollerblading for quite awhile so I told Bryan we should spend a day at the park . I ended the day with a fall and scraped knee/elbow because I was too engrossed with the chat with Bryan and eventually lost my balance -.-
But all in all , it was a good day spent !
This day happened 2 weeks ago but this post came so late because I finished the post but it disappeared so I had to redo the entire post .
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