My mundane Monday turned out pretty good with the company of the girlfriend & boyfriend after work . Took her to Geylang for some authentic Thai food . I'm really looking forward to going back again because of the Tom yum tung hoon soup & Egg omelette .
Never a fan of Ice Cream so its really rare to see me include Ice Cream into my diet . ( Quite thankful for my hostile relationship with Ice Cream , its already quite sinful with my love for Foie Gras / Cheese / Pastries / Cakes ) Was too caught up talking to the Girlfriend and Bryan took the decision to drive us to Marina Sq to curb his Ice-Cream crave . Trying to coax me into his crave he said , " My friend said that the peanut butter ice cream is really nice ! You love peanut butter right ? There is Reeses too ! "
I tried to fit myself into his diet and love for Ice cream but there was still no connection .
I . Still . Hate . Ice . Cream .
Its so nice to see Bryan on a Monday xx
I would like to see him everyday .
SAF can anot ?!!
love ,
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