Not exactly one week here since I only arrived on Wednesday night. But since I'm currently still adapting and very free, I would be diligently updating my space for now. I previously had so much to share on my summer trip last June which I haven't even got started on yet. (Except my apartment stay- read here!) I'd probably try to share as much as I can when I have the time here!

→ So this is how my apartment looks like and the stunning view I wake up to every morning! Absolutely love my neighbourhood with ample necessities shops & restaurants!

→My first meal here where I ate alone at the food court. So I thought the portion would be decent for 1 until my food came. Huge portion of jjajangmyeon, jampong & sweet sour pork (짬뽕,탕수육,짜장면) for ₩7,500.

→ Dinner with the husband after his lessons ended in the evening!

→ Dongdaemun on a friday afternoon. We were nearby so we strolled by but all the shops were still closed at 4pm.
(*Do not go to Dongdaemun before 6pm, shopping begins ideally after 8pm)

→ Nature republic was having a sale so here's a new set of skincare that I'd be trying!

→ Ordered my first ever delivery on my own! Thankfully the person understood my terrible korean and got my order correct! Couldn't be any happier because that means I would not have to step out for lazy dinners anymore.

→ Before bedtime selfie, goodnight day 3!

→ Simple gimbap dinner takeaway which I absolutely love. 김밥 너무 맛있어~
Probably the slightly less interesting things going on in my life for now. Interesting spots & those worth a mention would be written separately! Till the next update~
love, bella
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