I always have a thing for countryside nature because of the tranquility and peace that makes a rejunvenating holiday legit. So going to Yilan was an opportunity to experience something really different from what you'd usually experience in Taipei's urban life (or even Singapore's hectic work life). A holiday isn't all about shopping, right?
We took a cab from the vicinity of Yilan station and reached in prolly 10 minutes or so. It was quite daunting when we first arrived because there were nobody around the area at all. We were only welcomed by a vast grassland right in front of the farm that we were headed to.

麗野莊園農場 (Liya Farm)
260宜蘭縣宜蘭市黎明一路88號 260宜蘭縣宜蘭市黎明一路88號
農場低消門票:50元 可抵餵小動物+飲料
Walked right into somebody's terrain to find out that they were "closed" for the day. Technically speaking, cleaning up before a huge tour group visits the next day. We were supposed to make an appointment to visit the farm but I didn't realize the need so I didn't. We were about to walk away in disappointment when the owners decided to host the two sad girls on a private tour!
Liya farm is basically a duck breeding farm. I wasn't so excited about the huge intimidating ducks until I saw some ducklings hiding in a shed! They were so adorable!

→ I love how cute these ducklings are, a week old according to the owner!

→ Hello bunny! (Part of our package was to feed the animals in the farm!)

→ Duck feeding time! Feeding them were intimidating, they were all around and ready to dig into their meal so I just threw the plate on the ground and they started pecking profusely on the plate.

→ After meal activity! The ducks went for a swim with their kids!

→ Was brought around the farm and the owner shared alot of interesting knowledge on ducks. She allowed us to invade into this mother duck hatching her eggs in a hidden dark hut. Was surprised to see so much cotton provided for the mother duck to hatch her eggs for 30 over days but the owner said that all the "cotton" we saw were duck feathers from the mother duck!

→ The ironic part of the package was to feed on duck eggs omelette. We obliged because some duck eggs do not hatch anyway. On a side note, really yummy omelette!

→ The last activity was 剉冰! We had the opportunity to make our own shaved ice dessert that went along really well with black sugar syrup provided.

With so much that we learnt and the hands-on actitivites that we experienced, the S$8 spent was so worth it no? Really thankful that the owners welcomed us with such warm hospitality despite being closed for the day.
Be sure to make online reservations if you're looking at spending half a day here!
For more information - http://www.ctnet.com.tw/liya/
love, bella
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