I was on a quest to sight on the newest shopping center in Bangkok , Terminal 21 . Those days nearing to my Bangkok holiday , the friends would repeatedly remind me to visit Terminal 21 ( i.e Kelvin ) and even those who have not been there before . I think the buddy reminded me at least 3 times before my trip .
Kelvin , " You like to take pictures right ? Go there and take pictures . Must go hor ! Remember ah ! "
I roughly got an idea out of that sentence he made . It must be a pretty place to be in for me to actively rape my shutter button . Indeed , I was impressed the minute I step foot into Terminal 21 . Airport themed shopping center with the detailed construction left me in awe . This has got to be the only building in Bangkok kept up with the current era . Also because its less than a year old , this shopping mall is almost brand new and it will subconciously take you on a retail holiday without the pricey air tickets and jet lag . Basically " around the world " in less than a day's time . #ilove
I didn't quite appreciate shopping there because the price was the same as what you would be paying for shopping in Singapore , not a hefty price tag enough to turn me off but for the same design on the street markets , I would not pay more than $20. Chatuchak is my only favourite xx
I think the effort put into the entire architecture is really commendable . I cant rave enough how detailed they can go because even the toilets on each level are of the different themes . Unfortunately for me , I only walked into the Instanbul toilet but with a view of the city outside. I need to say the polite toilet cleaners are also dressed in their designated uniforms . It took me awhile to react to the "Sawadee Ka" dressed up in Istanbul's traditional costume . Girls like me is quite easily impressed by every little thing .
To not lengthen my Day 4's travelogue post , I decided that Terminal 21 deserves a post on its own mainly because of the amount of pictures I want to share .
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