Started the day with a cupcake and a cuppa iced coffee . Their cupcakes are so yummy but not everything in Bangkok is cheap . Each cuppycake is selling at S$3.30 .
7th Floor , Central World
Bangkok 10330 , Thailand
Bryan and I are the luckiest in meeting kind souls and during our visit to White Rabbit at Dempsey some long time back , the friendly manager shared with us his food escapades and his favourite Italian restaurant .
" Biscotti , Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok . "
This place had been on our mind for the longest time and we never once forgot about it . Finally - Bangkok trip 2012 made it possible . Elated to know I am able to have awesome Italian cuisine even in the land of Tom Yum goong . But we all have our bad luck days - Day 4 is one very unlucky black tuesday for ME. You'll know why ,
#Badluckhappenings 01 - When we arrived at Four Seasons Hotel , we were welcomed by a very handsome Ang mo . Finally , I could speak proper english to someone after 3 days of " How much ? " " Cheaper . " " Taxi meter? " . Made to sound like a total idiot with broken english in a foreign land . The first thing Mr Ang Mo said after I asked about Biscotti was , " I'm sorry , mam . The restaurant is under renovation . " Whenever I get cranky , 99% is because of food . I sulked immediately in disappointment but he was so helpful , he said " We have Biscotti chefs on duty today so I can get them to whip you something with whats available in the kitchen and you may dine at our hotel's lobby lounge . " Bad luck issue solved by handsome Angmo , I am very thankful .
Food from the Biscotti chefs , they are the reason why I left my heart in Bangkok .
I'm a horrible girlfriend so both main courses were picked by yours truely . Sometimes when Bryan decides on his choice of main course , I would be like , " Huh , can you pick this . I want to try . " hahaha #horriblegirlfriendaward
#01 - Penne with Lamb Ragout, Kenya Beans and Red Wine Reduction
#02 - Smoked lobster risotto with fresh tomato, basil and vanilla beans
would definitely go back again when it reopens so I can try the entrees that were unavailable that day.
enough said
After a very satisfying meal , we finally took their very own BTS !!! It is almost like Singapore's MRT but definitely without the cranky "hungry for seats" aunties . I like that they did not travel underground so we were able to see more of Bangkok along the way . Oh ! And they are using the card we used to have before EZlink card was invented . The filmsy card that you insert into the machine in the bus and press a button . I wish I could keep them :(
We had quite some time to spare so we went to Shibuya 19 . It is another shopping mall that I have never been before . The crowd was much quieter and the shops were very spacious which made it easier for us to shop . Everything sold there was much cheaper than Platinum mall but the variety was minimum . Managed to grab some steals before heading back to the hotel to unload the buys .
#Badluckhappenings 02 - Background story first . Left for MBK after unloading my buys and resting the poor feet . Got on a tuktuk because at 4-5pm in Bangkok , the traffic was so bad that it is pointless to take a cab . Right after this beautiful picture was selfshot , the first ever biggest drama happened in my life .
Apparently this motorcycle grabbed my bag from the back and intended to speed past . But me , *must credit myself* did not know where did all the energy came from in such split second , managed to snatch my bag back . But I ended up losing grip of my bag because he was grabbing the bag strap and I was holding on to the bag itself so it dropped in the middle of the road about less than 2m away from me . The feeling of turning my head to see my bag so far away from me was surreal . Of all lanes , it had to land in the middle lane . Voices in my head reacted with a " Goodbye . " Though the damn traffic was terrible and congested , the taxi travelling on the middle lane saw what happened to me and stopped so Bryan and I could jump off the tuktuk and run for my bag . All the Thais were screaming and shouting at the robber who fled after his unsuccessful attempt . Bryan came back with my bag safe in his hands with sighs of relief until he saw my face . Because of the sudden big impact on me , my face was swelling in pain and Iwas bleeding on my lips and near the mouth . My life has been pretty much mundane because dramas dont usually happen to me . This is one eventful day I would remember for the rest of my life that is why I am typing all this just in case my memory bank screw up. Sometimes , I still find it so hard to believe I survived through this ordeal. But I'm glad I did ! The swell lasted for days though , it was so painful even for someone with high tolerance of pain like me :(
It seemed like all that happened triggered Bryan's humour cells to work some magic and make me smile .
Me , " Today is really 惊天动地 . "
Bryan , " Yah lor . 今天你的 Bag 动地 . "
I thought it was really funny . Whenever I replay what he said in my head , I will burst out laughing .
It seemed like all that happened triggered Bryan's humour cells to work some magic and make me smile .
Me , " Today is really 惊天动地 . "
Bryan , " Yah lor . 今天你的 Bag 动地 . "
I thought it was really funny . Whenever I replay what he said in my head , I will burst out laughing .
If you can tell , my upper lip is swelling and red in this picture |
My evening did not just end after what happened . I had to meet to my time and quickly finished off the last minute shopping for my mom & sis before taking a cab to Chinatown for seafood dinner .
A feast of Sharkfins soup , Kang Kong , Cockles , Grilled Squid & my favourite Tung Hoon but they call it glass noodles to make up for the unlucky day . Strolling down Chinatown feels like home . Almost everybody speaks mandarin , even the thais . The must have before leaving Chinatown - Birdnest . I love this warm bowl of goodness , every single spoonful down my throat . I call this , my grandmother's birdnest because it tasted exactly the same as what my grandmother would boil for me . They sell Bird nest in grades and the 1st grade is priced at $1000baht . We had the grade 3 white birdnest and red birdnest . The unlucky girl sure knows how to divert her attention from the unhappy incident to the food heaven .
happy tummy
happy tummy
This is a clearer picture of the swell |
Last destination was Khao San road because it was around the corner . The party street became quieter over the year . Or was it because it was a weekday ? We settled back at our usual , West 999 for cheap Jaggerbombs and beer .
All that wrapped up my last night in BKK .
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