Monday, 9 July 2012

Cafe hopping || Hatched

Woke up grumpy after Bryan nagged at me for a good half an hour to prepare for lunch . Sometimes I think he is so amazing for his patience . Usually if I was the one who had errands to run and he is still lazing in bed or 9GAGing , I would be yelling at him already . Had lunch with his mother , they brought me for some damn good duck rice and I loved it . Cheap at $7 for half a duckie . Misc after lunch , did enquiries , bookings , reservations for all thats not planned yet . All the boring stuff is my man's job while I hop around in his parent's office looking for kitties to play with .

Had an early dinner @ Hatched . My first time to Hatched was when Ellen decided to selflessly bring me along when she's actually out on a date sometime last year .

" Love is when this girl looks around for a perfect restaurant to surprise the man she love because she wants to find a restaurant that serves mainly what he loves , and a staple food he cant live without . Eggs . "

So sweet of her , I'll never do that for sure. I'll definitely pick my favourite restaurant that serves my favourite food . Sorry Baby , no macdonalds for you as long as we are together !

During the meal ,
B : " Can you quickly finish up your food so I can tell you something ? "
S : " What ? My food taste like dog food right . " 
B : " Yah . Smells like Pedigree . " 
S : " Corn beef is like that one what !!! " 
