Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Junyang's 21st x Aloha Changi x

20th July 2012 

Its not too long to another Buddy’s 21st birthday again . Since afew months back , Yang had been reminding me time and again to mark my calendar for his celebration .

Party was on Friday so as usual , after slogging out the entire day at work and rushing home to change out , I only reached at 9pmish . Could have been later but thanks to the very nice boyfriend who offered to fetch me there and pick me up later at 4.30am .

Had the luxury of sitting around waiting for the boys to BBQ and serve us dinner . Its always nice to see my good friends saving most of the BBQ-ed Sotongs for me , so thoughtful !  We had a blast that night downing Alcohol , bottle after bottle . When everyone got tipsy and paused the drinking games , the sober few found joy and entertainment in disturbing the drunk ones asleep . You know you’ll get toothpaste on your face if you sleep at someone’s party .  #truestory 
