Its Monday again and its pretty damn gloomy because just 24 hours ago , I had the best time of my life and now I'm slapped back into reality . Celebrated the dearest boyfriend's 21st birthday over the weekend and it was a blast . No , a blast seemed like an understatement . I would like to think the birthday party which lasted a good 24 hours straight was a huge success and memorable one .
It was not easy , at all . Juggling between work and planning his birthday was tough . Last year , I took like approx 3 months to plan his 20th at Goodwood Park hotel which I thought was not really party worthy because I picked the wrong location . Parklane suite , that is . The suite was 2 storey , approx 75sqm with a pretty spacious balcony which I thought was big enough . But apparently , it was pretty hard for games and the friends to stayover .
This year , I've only got 1 month or even lesser to plan everything . No thanks to the busy schedule and planning of holiday trips that I neglected his 21st . Choosing the venue was tricky and difficult . There was so much to consider , convenience for guests / size of room / hotel's leniency in letting more guests stay with a closed eye / amenities available in room . Next to fuss about is the guest list which was a huge relief for me because Bryan would be the one drawing up his list of guests and Facebook events page made it even easier for us to consolidate headcount . Last year , It was a surprise party for him and I took the effort to text every invited friend ( mostly those I've never met before ) and reminded them repeatedly not to leak out the surprise to him . Okay , gotta admit surprise party is much tougher . Basically I fuss on every nitty gritty details of his party because I'm a very detailed + paranoid person . Always worrying about the food + drinks not enough for the guests , or if people would finish up the drinks meant to be mixers for alcohol . After so much , I wouldn't say I'm glad his birthday is over , in fact I wouldn't mind going through all the hassle and planning all over again just to see the party happen again. Too awesome , I say .
When's a good age to throw another massive party again ?
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