Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Month | #August

I've officially mashed up my bits of August to one entire post because each day passes with an accumulating backlog of posts to update . Its been a good month but I think time's really passing too fast to digest all happy/sad times I had . 

Anyway , here goes -

Wanlin's 21st - Some sort like a gathering for the secondary school friends again . Having not seen them for years was quite a little awkward  to break the ice again . Thankfully able to make it to the girlfriend's 21st despite the tragic story of my rash . Birthday theme was bows/ribbons and you should see how retarded I look with bunny ears and big ribbons provided for photo-taking . Happy 21st , Wanlin !

The Dempsey Afternoon
 Brunch @ Roadhouse with Bryan's friends - on a Sunday three weeks back . The friends ordered U.S BBQ Spare ribs whole rack ( 1kg! ) to share . Initially , I was pretty looking forward to steal a bite but when it was served to us , I  felt really full just by looking at it . Their eggs benedict was pretty good , one of the better ones I had . We shifted to P.S cafe to spend the rest of the afternoon over desserts and coffee . Love laid back Sundays like this , hanging out in the lush greenery.

One of the Friday nights spent at V hotel's 12 inch Pizza and records with le girlfriend & boyfriend . It was so quiet at 12 inch that night , unlike Timbre's bustling crowd . My personal favourite have got to be the Garlic shrimp . 

In other news , we had a few couple of drinks over at the east side , near home before calling it a night . Ellen's been complaining about the frequent beer sessions we're having ever since we started socially drinking again . Yeah , probably when we're rich enough to complain bout frequent champagne sessions - day dreams. 

Again at NSRCC , was to celebrate Ryan's 21st . Can't help but whine over hanging out with army boys . They never , ever ever seem to get bored of army talks .  I'm trying to blend in ever since the boyfriend got enlisted and I must say I'm doing pretty well acquiring as much knowledge about SAF  ( and wtf , all the foreign terms / abbreviations ) . I'm officially the girlfriend handbook for those of my girlfriends's bf whom just got enlisted . You'll know whats our favourite question , what time book out huh ? 

Last Saturday was at Beer Market with the clique . Every frequent drinker should know by now that Beer market's prices move according to the demand of the beer , just like stock exchange . How interesting ! And I love the variety of the beer there ! ( Duh , I know right . Obviously its called beer market for a reason but srsly , it sells so many beer brands that I've never heard before! ) Had a good night with the friends over beer + live band ( which I don't appreciate ) , and the boyfriend made the safest choice by ordering Hoegarden for me . I'm never really game enough to adventure different choices but my friends are . My adventurous buddy Kel ordered Fruli Strawberry beer which I think is the worst alcoholic drink I've tried ever. You've been warned .

Consecutive Sunday spent with Bryan's college friends . It was impromptu and yet so much fun !!! Accompanied them for afew rounds of pool and its been awhile since I sat patiently watching people play pool . It was so entertaining because the girls played a beautiful game but eventually lost to that white ball . Everyone should've seen their faces - a whirlwind of emotion change within a split second . Dinner at DTF where Lynette and I vowed to only have nothing but tea for dinner . It wasn't a diet plan but because we were sooo overly stuffed from the buffet we had earlier on , I felt like we developed an acute phobia of food . Because it was a great Sunday night with a public holiday the next day , we ended up at the boyfriend's crib  playing texas poker with booze . Sounds boring you may think , but it was so much fun with everyone being so spontaneous playing 007 bang!

On one of the weekdays was seen lazing the afternoon away at Botanic Garden's Food for Thought . Stepping into the cafe feels so much like the school days again . Furnished like a school canteen with a high ceiling , just what I love most because the place would not get too rowdy even if the noise level increases . I allowed Bryan to pick my food choice and ended up with Garlic prawn linguine in cream sauce . I don't always let the boyfriend pick my food , but when I do , he always screws up . ( 9Gag moment ) Sigh , it isn't that bad but y'know , moments when you just don't feel like eating certain things on certain days . He should have just ordered me a slice of cake . I do not have mood-for-cake days , its practically everyday I wouldn't refuse a slice of sugar and flour .

Ben & Jerry @ Dempsey for ice cream to pacify the craving kid . Pity we can't dine scones or strawberry shortcakes with a kid around . You'll never see a child get excited over cakes & tea , but with the word Ice cream makes them really happy all day . Its hard not to think that I'm so much a grown up now . Bryan did the babysitting while I had some time to my teerakmisu and milkshake . By the way , the B&J 's milkshake is dope ... and sinful .  

That's about it for now , more soon .
