Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Rash Bug + BBQ Saturday

I fell sick over the weekend , again . Background story first - I developed rashes on Thursday night which frustrated me but I still went to work the next day because it kinda disappeared overnight . Bad tummy ache + High fever + Rashes acted up on Friday night but I managed to survive through that tough night . I abruptly woke up on Saturday at 6am ( my god , such turn off timing for a Saturday ) and I just couldn't fall back to sleep . So I kicked Bryan ( I'm sorry ) and woke him up to tell him about it . The next thing I knew , I was rolling on the bed and screaming because of the itch . I do not even want to think about the fuckin' crazy rashes that developed that day , its disgusting . The rash covered both the entire legs , its not funny at all . Wide awake and frustrated , I gave in and went to the hospital . I thought , okay maybe the doctor will help me with the stupid itch . I got so many things to do this weekend . I can't afford to go out with swelling itchy legs . Yeah indeed the doctor offered me the best solution , Injection . Omg , I wasn't expecting that remedy at all but it happened and the bloody nurse was mean . You see , I walked into the room with an inclining chair but she pointed to the table and said , " Stand there , face the cupboard . I'll give you the injection on the butt . " I am puzzled myself why did I not argue to lie comfortably when there's a chair there but I relented and got my jab standing up uncomfortably. 

Still sore + unhappy about the jab , I went home immediately despite the doctor telling me to stay for more observation . The jab knocked me out for abit , maybe 3-4 hours and I woke up happy with no rashes , no fever , no aches . Okay, decided I should thank and worship that miraculous jab given because I had a better weekend . Bryan had a good weekend too , he took the chance to Dota like crazy while I was asleep . He must be secretly wishing for me to fall sick on a often basis now .

The clique planned a BBQ which was fine because I wouldn't say no to BBQ squid . But the BBQ was quite a fail because we picked a horrible location with no lightings and prone to mozzie bites ( omg wtf , just so you know Mozzies love me ) . I was so afraid the rashes will act up again but thankfully for the miracle jab , I had a good night with my squid .. and friends . 
